Friday, February 15, 2013

To Do List

I was fortunate to attend Health Action 2013 put on by Families USA in Washington, D.C. What a fabulous conference. Great speakers, great break-out sessions and great energy!

The highlight of the conference for me was not just hearing Sister Simone speak, but actually meeting her. Her words ring in my brain – “Be bold.” There is a lot of work ahead.

Indeed there is. While I was attending the conference, Governor Rick Snyder recommended that Michigan participate in Medicaid expansion. A huge hurdle has been overcome; now on to the next set of hurdles.

First, we have to convince our legislators that this is good for Michigan. Why is it good for Michigan? Let me count the ways: 676,000 uninsured residents of Michigan will be eligible for Medicaid; in 2014 to 2016, the expansion is paid entirely by federal funds. That money will go somewhere – it may as well come to Michigan! Michigan’s health status will improve when the needed care is provided in the appropriate setting, rather than in the hospital emergency room – or in a free clinic one night a week.

Once we have convinced our legislators, then we need to educate our community about the benefits of Medicaid expansion. Many of the patients seen at the free clinic will qualify for services. They will have real access to real healthcare, not the piecemeal one-night-a-week kind that we can offer them now. It will be a real step forward.

And then, our biggest job will be to enroll those who are eligible. Help people find their way through the system.

I am so excited! This is what we have been hoping for, working for, for so many years. There is a light at the end of the tunnel.

Now all you skeptics out there are already with your arguments to shoot me down. I know this is not a perfect system. I know there will be pitfalls and that not everyone will be covered. But it is a step in the right direction and one I personally welcome.

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