On November 20, 2012 our beagle Simon lost his battle with
cancer. It seems that someone who is such an important part of our lives should
have an obituary, so I’m writing one for Si.
Simon Pavka was born about ten years ago in an unknown place, at an
unknown time. On a very snowy, bitterly cold New Year’s week-end 2003, he was
abandoned by his mother and rescued by John and Nancy Gertig. He was adopted
that same week-end by the Pavka Family: David, Jill, Peter, Ann Marie, Buddy –
a beagle mix, and Homer – the cat. He was preceded in death by Buddy and Homer.
Simon was a spoiled, neurotic, funny dog who loved to eat and was
always ready to go – anywhere! He traveled many miles in the truck and the
motorhome. He also loved to ride on the boat at the lake.
He fought a valiant battle against his cancer and taught all of us many
lessons – which we will continue to process for years to come.
Memorial donations can be made to Northside Veterinary Hospital’s food
bank (OK –I’m just kidding, but don’t forget the animal food pantries during
the holiday season!)
This is mostly for me – but, the loss of a pet is part of
many of our lives. Right now the pain is so raw that it is sometimes hard to
remember that I had almost 10 years of joy with Simon. The grief strikes at
unexpected times, in unexpected places; it is worse first thing in the morning
and at bedtime (Simon was the first one up the stairs when I said it was time
to go to bed!)
But, the grief is good because it means I can still feel. And
we know that we did everything that we could for Simon. We celebrated
Thanksgiving with the family on Sunday, November 18, 2012 so he saw “his kids”
and “his grandparents” and everyone had a chance to say good-bye. Our life will
never be exactly the same, but we will move forward. We will always cherish the
memories of the dog we loved.
I love this...nothing more I can add....Barb