Tuesday, February 26, 2013

A Letter to, well, everyone.....

On February 12 of this year, St. Peter’s Free Clinic saw 83 people. A new record, but we really don’t want to be setting new records.

83 people who have put off receiving healthcare until our doors open on Tuesday night; 83 people who were sick, suffering, frightened and probably, embarrassed to be receiving care in a church basement because that is all that is available to them.

We should be ashamed. And, we have an amazing chance to change all of that now.

We have an opportunity to change the world.

Governor Snyder has proposed implementation of the Medicaid expansion provided for in the Affordable Care Act. This is huge for Michigan – an opportunity to bring in money to provide healthcare for those who cannot afford it.

676,000 people will be eligible for Medicaid if it is expanded. In our community, over 4,100 individuals have come to the Clinic at least once seeking care. That number represents nearly 10% of the population of Hillsdale County. According to the Census Bureau, 17.6% of the residents of Hillsdale County live below the Federal Poverty Level. Some of those are already insured under Medicaid. Many others will benefit from the Medicaid expansion.

These are real people, living next door to us; people who are trying to keep a roof over their head, food on the table and are not able to afford healthcare. 

There is Patricia, who had worked for years as an aide in an assisted living home, who when she hurt her back, was let go from the job that had provided her with an income, but not healthcare. Now she has neither and no place to go, except the Free Clinic. Or, Jennifer, who has two jobs, her husband has one job, and none of the employers provide healthcare. They make enough money for a place to live and food to eat, but not for healthcare. Or Susan, who works in a factory, hired by a temp agency. She risks losing her job every time she comes to the Clinic to access the medications that make it possible for her to work.

This is the difference we can make in people’s lives NOW.  We have the opportunity to change the world. Let’s not pass that up.

So, please write/email/call your state representatives and senators. Tell them your stories or the stories of your neighbors, your families, your friends. They need to know that Medicaid expansion matters, to “we the people”.

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