Monday, April 29, 2013

My Family

One of the faces of the uninsured that I have not talked about is in my own family. My 29-year-old son is uninsured.

He is a professional pilot working as a flight instructor at Western Michigan University. He works as a contract employee, so he is only paid for the hours he works and he has no benefits.

He loves his job; he has found real joy in teaching young men and women who will go on to fly for airlines, cargo companies and industry. But he lives without healthcare insurance. I live in fear of what that could mean for him if he were to become ill.

He will be subject to the mandate in 2014; but he will also have the opportunity to buy healthcare coverage with the tax credits that will be available.

The uninsured rate among young adults was 27.9% in 2011, a decrease in recent years due in part to the ACA provision allowing them to remain on a parent’s private health plan until age 26. The change in coverage for this age group accounted for about 40% of the overall decline in the number of uninsured. However, young adults continue to have a high uninsured rate compared to other age groups.



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