Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Christmas Gratitude

Merry Christmas!

The end of the year is always a time for reflection and for gratitude. I want to take a moment of your time to thank my staff, the clinic volunteers, my family and friends for their support and encouragement over the past year.

To quote Charles Dickens – “it was the best of times, it was the worst of times…” and 2014 had plenty of both.

We began the year with the Open Enrollment in the Marketplace – and continued to attempt to enroll our patients. It was a frustrating endeavor at times, but when we successfully enrolled someone in an affordable healthcare plan, it was cause for celebration. Open enrollment lasted until the last day of March.

April 1 brought the best news to the population we serve –“opening day” for the Healthy Michigan Plan – Michigan’s Medicaid expansion. I will never forget the first person I helped with enrollment in the Healthy Michigan Plan – the tears in his eyes, and the words his friend spoke: “now you can get your heart fixed.”

The first four months of 2014 the clinic continued to be incredibly busy with an average of 64 patients every Tuesday night. That number began to decline steadily after April 1. We saw an average of 29 patients each week from April through December.

I have to thank Connie and Linda, and our volunteers, who worked in a time of great uncertainty. There were hopes and fears about what the role of the clinic would be – would there continue to be a need? Would there be funding? What would we do?

I am one of those people that love change – and embrace the challenge of something new. For many though the uncertainty is unsettling and difficult. But, everyone persevered and we continued to care for those in need in our community.

We spend hours trying to teach people about the value of insurance; assisting them with enrollment in healthcare; and helping with the transition to a primary care provider. It is some of the best work we have ever done!

We continue to see people in need here at the clinic.  The population of the clinic has changed over this year. Many of those we see are employed, making in the $8 -$14 per hour range. Their employer either doesn’t provide healthcare or they cannot afford it. They make too much to qualify for the Healthy Michigan Plan, and cannot afford the premiums of the Affordable Care Act, even with the tax subsidies. It is not my job to judge what is “affordable” for any family – I give them the information they need to make that decision.

And, with all of these changes at the clinic, I also had family issues to deal with. My husband was hospitalized for a week in May; my dad was diagnosed with bladder cancer – and died in September; my mother had a major heart attack in July.

It is amazing to have a staff that can pick up the pieces and make sure that the clinic can continue without missing a beat. Connie and Linda did that for me all spring/summer/ and into the fall. The support from the two of them, and the volunteers at the clinic helped me to survive all that this year had in store.

And, then there was the joy that came with the birth of my second grandson –Andrew James. The circle of life was so evident, as he was born 2 weeks before my dad died.

It is impossible for me to express my gratitude adequately. I am humbled and awed to work with such an amazing group of people. In addition to Connie and Linda, I have the most amazing board of directors, who support and encourage me always. The volunteers here at the clinic are the heart and soul of the clinic. We would not exist without them.

So, thank you to each and every one of you. Merry Christmas to you and your families.

And, I for one, can’t wait for the New Year!

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